Feb Newsletter: Valentines for Tree Equity

Dear Friends,

With February comes peak planting season, so we’re talking about trees! In particular, we want to focus on tree equity because of the existing disparity of tree canopy and shade between higher-income and lower-income communities.

A robust urban tree canopy is essential to protecting communities from the harshest impacts of a warming climate. Since the 2021 heat dome, our organization has teamed up with partners and mobilized public support for ending patterns of historic disinvestment in tree canopy in low-income neighborhoods and communities of color. This has resulted in the City Council’s decision to dedicate $40M from PCEF (Portland Clean Energy Community Fund) to this mission. 

There are lots of opportunities to show appreciation for trees this month, as well as other amazing events as well, so scroll down to see what's happening and how you can get involved!

Noelle Studer-Spevak 


Roundtable Discussion on an Equitable Tree Canopy

Families for Climate participated in roundtable discussions to grow an equitable tree canopy and good jobs in priority communities, an investment of $40 million over five years. Noelle will be out of town during this time, so please contact Brenna@350PDX.org for additional info & resources on how to participate. 

Learn More about Tree Canopy Inequity

You can explore canopy, heat, air quality and racial patterns with a tool created by PSU. Make your own maps with the Branch Out Tool

Love your neighbor's tree? Give them a Valentine!

Too often, we wait to express our appreciation for trees and their caretakers until a tree is about to be removed. If you have favorite trees on your walk or commute, print this valentine to share with tree caretakers. Thank you to FFC member and Woodlawn artist, Melissa Medeiros for this snappy retro design! 

Valentine Shade Equity Social

Join us on Monday, February 13th, 6-8 pm at The Rebuilding Center workshop (3639 N. Mississippi Ave) to meet tree and climate friends from across our city to share updates & ideas for growing a more climate resilient and equitable urban forest. We will also make valentines for stewards of our favorite trees! The event is family-friendly, including a staffed space for kids, and food & drinks will be provided. Hosted by 350PDX Forest Defense team. We hope to see you there!

Family-Friendly Tree Planting Opportunities

Get into tree-planting season with the family! You can find tree planting events happening all around the Portland area at these links:


Cascade African Film Festival

Check out the Cascade African Film Festival! Bring the family to “The Boy who Harvested the Wind” (PG) on Feb 11 at 2pm (PCC Cascade) to see the story of William Kamkwamba, a Malawian boy who created a windmill to power his community’s local water pump in the midst of massive drought. Check out the full schedule here to see all the amazing films playing around the city. As a returned Peace Corps Volunteer who served as a forester in West Africa with many of the volunteers who make this event possible, Noelle loves this event and knows our community will enjoy it. 

Legislative Update

The Oregon legislative session is in full swing and there’s a lot happening— including three bills related to urban trees. We've created a summary document containing descriptions of the legislative concepts and bills discussed at the event, including (for most of them) links for further reading. Additionally, we posted a recording of the event, in case you missed it, would like to review anything or want to share with a friend or colleague. 

We look forward to working with you in the coming weeks and months to ensure that the Oregon legislature passes bold climate and environmental justice bills this session!

Enjoy the Dawning of Spring

Get excited about spring through these fun tools! Check out BirdCast to keep an eye on bird migrations and a migration forecast and the Status of Spring maps that show where spring is at all over the country and how it compares to "normal."


Bills to Follow: 2023 Oregon Legislative Update


Lids Not Lanes: An Action Alert from No More Freeways